Treatment plan and Teaching caregivers service at home


Treatment plan and Teaching caregivers service at home


Provided service by professional nurses


We offer treatment design plan/ daily routine for patients to ensure caregivers or relatives can take care of patients effectively and accurately.

  • We teach how to care for bedridden patients to prevent complications such as pressure sore prevention and Mouth care for bedridden patients.
  • Teaching caregivers/relatives on the administration of medications that the patient needs

    Teaching how to use tools, for example:

  • Vital signs that require blood pressure, mercury, and a fingertip oxygen monitor.
  • Inhaler (in case the patient has an inhaler).
  • Fingertip sugar piercing machine (in the case of diabetic patients that requires monitoring blood sugar levels to inform the doctor for personal medication adjustments).

    In case the patients have medical tools, for example:

  • Patients with NG tubes/Gastrostomy tubes who need feeding tubes.
  • Neck piercing patient (Tracheostomy tube) or a person who has to expel sputum or unable toremove sputum on its own. It is necessary to use a suction machine.